Leon Basic

This "personal anaesthesia work station" combines proven ergonomic design and hygienic concepts with top technology thus providing optimum support for your work, e.g. during the initiation and course of operations, for diagnostic purposes and other relevant hospital systems.

Leon specifications:


  • Rebreathing ventilation performance up to the standard of an intensive ventilator
  • Classical gas mixture via flow tubes
  • Pneumatic ventilator drive
  • Patient system designed for efficient preparation and most easy assembly
  • Absorber change during operation
  • Ventilation technology to care for patients of any age
  • Ventilation modes: IMV, PCV, Man./Spont.
  • Optional: S-IMV, SPCV, PSV

Alfa Med

je kompanija čija je osnovna djelatnost uvoz i distribucija medicinske opreme kao i servisiranje iste.

Svi naši instrumenti i dijelovi imaju izvrstan kvalitet i certificirano servisiranje. 
